Smoking Cessation

I Can Quit: Smoking Cessation Programme is offered by the HSA Public Health Department

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The Public Health Department's ‘I Can Quit’ Smoking Cessation Programme is designed to help persons quit their tobacco dependency through support from medical professionals, group meetings and medication.

The programme is conducted twice a year (February and June). Each group session is seven (7) weeks and meetings are held on Wednesday evenings from 5:15 to 6:45pm.

How to register?

To register, please contact Sarah Frederick

Email: or call 244-2889

About the programme

What is done each session?

Each session follows the same general outline:

Base-line testing - Collection of weight, blood pressure, and CO levels

Welcome and Recap - Participants can share quitting experiences with the group

Learning and Sharing - Information and skills for participants to gain insight on smoking and their quit strategies

Wrap-Up - Closing activity and plan of action for the next session

General Objectives

  • Identify your current smoking patterns
  • Identify and acknowledge your own reasons why you want to stop smoking
  • Identify triggers that encourage you to smoke and develop strategies to counteract/conquer them
  • Learn how to cope with withdrawal symptoms
  • Provision of medications to help quit the addiction
  • Provide general support to quit the addiction
  • Participate in relaxation techniques
  • Use nicotine replacement therapy correctly
  • Provide options of healthy foods that will prevent excessive weight gain as your smoking decreases
  • Use all the tools and strategies in the course to develop and activate your personal quit plan

The Team

The programme is organised and facilitated by the Public Health Department of the Cayman Islands. The Smoking Cessation team consists of trained health care professionals such as:

  • General Practitioners
  • Nutritionists
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Pharmacists
  • Administrative personnel
  • Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the requirements?

Registration prior to the start of each programme is the only requirement other than your dedication to quit tobacco use. Participants are not required to quit smoking prior to starting the smoking cessation programme.

What is the cost and who can participate?

The programme is funded by the Public Health Department and is therefore free of charge to the participant. Anyone wishing to quit smoking can take part in the programme.

What if I miss signing up?

If persons are unable to join the programme, they can still contact the Public Health Department to arrange assistance with quitting smoking.

What happens after the programme is completed?

After the programme is completed, the coordinators remain in contact with the participants with weekly phone calls for up to three months. During this time, participants will still be provided with some medical assistance if needed.

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