Home Care

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About HSA Home Care
HSA’s home care team delivers health care of the highest possible standard to home-bound persons within the community.
They assist any age group with a medical condition or physical disability which prevents access to care at a medical facility in addition to patients who have been discharged from the hospital with a referral for follow-up care at home.
Our team establishes a plan of care that includes visits by a nurse and General Practitioner.
For admission to the Home Care Services, the client must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Any age group with a medical condition or physical disability which prevents access to care at a medical facility.
- Discharged from the hospital with a referral for follow-up care at home.
Clients must further meet all the following criteria:
- Require care that is within the scope of the Home Care Services and resources.
- The client is not a threat to himself/herself or caregivers.
- The home environment is not a threat/health hazard to the health team.
Client may access HSA Home Care Services through referral by
- Physician referral or referral by other health professionals
- Self-referral
- Social Services referral
- Family’s request
- Community members