Cancer registries play a critical role in determining the success of treatment outcomes. They do more than just count the number of people affected by cancer. They collect data on screening status, the stage of disease at diagnosis, and link this information to healthcare records to analyse outcomes by intervention and disease stage.
This is increasingly important as the landscape of cancer therapies evolves, with new treatments such as immunotherapies being introduced rapidly and often with limited long-term data.
Cancer Registrar Amanda Nicholson
An effective National Cancer Registry is the only mechanism for us to determine the country’s true cancer status and thus facilitate delivering a national cancer plan for the Cayman Islands.
Be Counted
Anyone wishing to contribute their cancer-related information to the registry can contact the Cancer Registrar. The process is entirely anonymous, ensuring that personal details remain confidential. To participate, individuals can complete and send in the patient form provided below. With the patient’s permission, physicians may also complete and submit a form on behalf of the patient to register them in the system.
Amanda Nicholson, Cancer Registrar
- Tel: 244-2560
- Email:
About the Registry
The Cayman Islands Cancer Registry is a population-based registry. The process is entirely anonymous, ensuring that personal details remain confidential. Supporting the registry is a contribution everyone in the community can make by encouraging a family member, friend, or neighbour with cancer to give their details to the registry.
Data is recorded using the World Health Organization (WHO) CANREG (cancer registration) system following the standards set by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
The data collected will be used to understand cancer in the Cayman Islands, to compare with other Caribbean countries, and on a worldwide scale.
The Cayman Islands Cancer Registry is located at the George Town Hospital Campus, 95 Hospital Road. Persons should check-in at the information desk in the Atrium.
Know the Facts
Nearly every country in the world utilizes cancer registry data when developing their national cancer prevention policies and strategies. This data serves as the founda-tion for cancer management.
All information included in the cancer registry is anonymized before being entered into the registry database. Names are not included in the registry database.
The public does not have access to the registry database under any circumstances. Access is restricted only to the cancer registrar.
Cancer registries contribute to scientific research into causes and cancer management. They help us understand cancer trends within our community. With can do more in terms of cancer management and prevention.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The benefits of a comprehensive cancer registry are immeasurable, which is why the World Health Organization and the Pan-American Health Organization are strongly encouraging all nations to take necessary steps to ensure they have reliable cancer surveillance data.
Presently, if a cancer survivor wishes to register, they may contact Amanda Nicholson, the Cancer registrar, at 244-2560 or
Registering is fast, easy, and only takes a couple of minutes. It can be done face to face or via e-mail.
Currently, there is almost no information available regarding cancer trends in the Cayman Islands. We do not know how many people are diagnosed every year, which cancers are most common, or whether there are environmental factors which may be contributing to cancer incidence.
The data collected by our national registry is based on recommendations set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO), and all data is stored in a database designed by the WHO.
Dr Danielle Smellie
George Town, George Town