As a result of the recent changes in travel and isolation testing requirements, the Health Services Authority will now only provide COVID-19 testing for Public Health purposes and pre-op patients (ie: PCR tests to confirm a positive LFT result) effective Tuesday July 5 2022.  Voluntary Certified LFT & PCR tests for travel or employment purposes will no longer be provided. Updated COVID-19 testing centres for PCR confirmation testing of positive LFTs

  • Truman Bodden Sports Complex (Drive-Through) – Daily 8am 10am. Effective Monday 18th July 2022, Monday, Wednesday, Friday only 8am – 10am.
  • Bodden Town Civic Centre (1-2pm) – closed as of Tuesday July 5th 2022
  • Ed Bush Sports Complex (1-2pm) - closed as of Tuesday July 5th 2022
  • 131 Centre, MacLendon Drive - closed as of Tuesday July 5th 2022
  • Cayman Brac – Aston Rutty Centre – Monday – Friday 9am – 10am (closed weekends & public holidays)
  • Little Cayman Clinic - Monday – Friday 1pm – 2pm by appointment only (closed weekends & public holidays)